Build a bridge
“Design a range of different designs and choose the most appropriate.”
a pupil-designed bridge over troubled water
This is arguably PenKemp’s most accessible real-life situation, and it gives children a taste of what engineering in the adult world is like.
An overview of the activity
Children are provided with a brief: they must use the materials provided to build a man-made bridge over an artificial river or lake, before testing to see if their bridge will support a crossing vehicle. After, they’ll need to evaluate their work and decide as a team on what went well, and what could be improved.
In our experience, children love this activity. Its real-world design brief hugely appeals to pupils, and the opportunity to test their bridge against an artificial river or lake really excites them, whilst giving their design brief real purpose.
National Curriculum (England) links
All of PenKemp’s activities are based upon National Curriculum statements and expectations, and this one is no different. Children who take part in this activity will have had learning opportunities for the following National Curriculum statements and links:
Within a group, suggest relevant questions that can be explored scientifically.
Take measurements using a range of scientific equipment.
Identify scientific evidence that has been used to support or refute different ideas or arguments.
Present findings in written form, displays or presentations.
Design a range of different designs and choose the most appropriate.
Confidently match the materials I need to the task.
Measure, mark, cut and assemble (fix together) components (parts) accurately and safely.
Evaluate a product against the original design specification, and suggest how it could be improved or changed.
“Evaluate a product against the original design specification, and suggest how it could be improved or changed. ”
“Within a group, suggest relevant questions that can be explored scientifically. ”